My daughter is in her second year at Curzon. Here are some things that we've observed about Curzon that set it apart from other preschools and daycares: Opportunities for children to contribute Every day, a "duty kid" is appointed and given some tasks and responsibilities: drawing a picture on the calendar, calling their peers for circle time, clearing tables and setting place mats for lunch, etc. Each kid looks forward to their day to contribute and lead in the classroom. It's an especially great opportunity for shy children to develop confidence. Rotation of toysEvery day, the teachers arrive early and set up the classroom with a different selection of toys, games, art supplies, and other activities. When children arrive for free play, they never know what will be there - it keeps things fresh and interesting! Teachers select the toys with care; often, some of the free play stations are linked to a theme/lesson that will be explored later that day. Art, gym, and musicThe children are guided through many art projects; often, they are multi-stage projects that are completed over several days (see our facebook page for some examples!). Art is used to facilitate education about the natural world; for example, a solar eclipse painting project; an ocean-floor diorama; making bumblebee hats, then participating in a "pollen collecting" race/activity to reinforce learning about bees' important role in nature. There are also dedicated gym classes with fun, creative activities planned each week (most recently, we had our annual "Curzon Olympics" - events this year included long jump, high jump, "kayaking" on the gym floor, basketball, and more!) The music programming has also been incredible during our time here; our daughter has learned about music through movement and rhythm, and had access to a bunch of instruments. Opportunities for parents to participate in the classroomEach week, it's a different family's turn to have a parent/family member accompany their child in the classroom. They help out the teachers as needed, and, if inspired, can read, play, dance, or anything else that they think the kids might like. At Curzon, all of the kids know their friends' parents, and the parents know their kids' friends! Parents have a big say in the programming Curzon is a co-op; that means that it's run by the parents and teachers. Decisions about special activities, field trips, etc. are decided democratically by the whole group. Any questions? Please reach out to [email protected]